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Presidents Summit

June 7th-8th, 2018

Albany, NY

Student Government Presidents started off their term strong as they came together for the SUNY Voices Presidents Summit. Student leaders from across SUNY’s 64 campuses spent the weekend in Albany discussing topics that greatly impact the 600,000 students that SUNY represents.


Students had the privilege of hearing SUNY Chancellor Kristina Johnson, UFS President Gwen Kay, and FCCC President Nina Tamrowski speak on shared governance. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are some of the greatest strengths in the SUNY system. Student Government Presidents spoke on the importance of maintaining inclusive and safe environments on their campuses. In order to fully understand the complexity of the issues that many campuses face, Presidents were split into groups and given scenarios by Vice President Nicole Pereira and Chief of Staff Austin Ostro. Each table was given a paper that described a situation with contemptuous actions/ speech towards gender, race, religion or social class. After an hour of constructive discussions, participants were exposed to new ways of thought – diversity. To create diversity, you have to get people talking about difficult topics, and over time create more awareness and understanding of the perspectives of others.


To put an end to an empowering and informative weekend, President Michael Braun and Coordiantor for Campus Engagement Alex George conducted "Goal Setting Breakouts." Thorughout this activity, Presidents had the opportunity to discuss their adgendas for the upcoming year and get inspired from the ideas of others. Overall, the Summit was a great success. The work that goes into improving the SUNY System today, betters the students of tomorrow.

The SUNY Student Impact

As Chancellor, I value the governance structure that encourages consensus among a diversity if perspectives. With its permanent voting seat on the SUNY Board of Trustees, the Student Assembly provides an empowered voice to remind us that the board is working for the people it represents – our students.


SUNY Chancellor, Kristina Johnson


One of the most effective tools of our time is a strategic plan to guide a body as to where they came from, where they are going and the vison of the leaders who are responsible to bring that group into the future.


UFS President, Gwen Kay


One of the most effective tools of our time is a strategic plan to guide a body as to where they came from, where they are going and the vison of the leaders who are responsible to bring that group into the future.


UFS President, Gwen Kay


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