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State Operated Campus Committee

The State Operated Campuses Committee is comprised of 10 student representatives who collectively serve the interests of 220,000 students attending SUNY's State Operated Campuses. Sectors represented include SUNY's Doctoral Granting Intuitions, University Centers, and Agriculture, Technology and Statutory Colleges. The committee works to ensure that the state operated campus students have the resources they need to be successful and are properly represented within the Student Assembly. The committee also acts as a conduit between the campus student governments and SUNY administration.


Committees meet on a regular basis via Google Hangouts or teleconference. All meeting details can be found on the Student Assembly Calendar and all documents can be found in the Committee Documents Archive. Biographies of members of the Executive Committee and Executive Cabinet can be viewed by clicking on names below where linked.



Richard Caldicott

Daiki Yoshioka

Carlos Cobo

Marisa Bevilacqua
Dalton Bisson

Shiyiheeim Nartey-Tokol

Jahad Hoyte

Matthew Keicher

Aloaye Tisor

Rea Manderino


An asterisk (*) denotes an ex-officio, voting member of the committee.

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